so info yang amat beguna ini aku cedok dari blog Kak Rahimah:-
Dalam program Jillian nih..dia begitu prihatin mengenai garam...Why? Sebabnya excess garam boleh menyebabkan:
1. slow down your metabolism
2. raise your blood pressure
Sebenarnye garam tersorok dalam all kinds of food products..
Fast food, packaged food, frozen food, makanan dalam tin, sos tomato, sos cili, sos oyster,sos ikan,kicap manis, kicap pekat, kicap masin,burger, hotdog, nugget,miso,tauchu, semua jenis jeruk, keropok ikan, keropok udang,belacan, cencalok, budu,kuah rojak, kiub pati ayam, kiub pati ikan bilis, fish balls, sotong balls, chicken balls, meatballs, pre - prepared rencah like rencah mee bandung, serbuk perasa, ajinomoto.....
Bila kita makan garam berlebihan..(kadang kala tak sedar sebab bila kita makan fast food misalnya, rasa taklah masin sangat..tapi ekceli banyak garam yang tersorok)the excess garam is deposited just beneath the the skin where it attracts WATER, which is retained in your cells. Yang ni yang buat muka kita kadang kala BULAT...heheh..puffy and perut kita BONCIT and feel bloated...
Not only that, when water is retained in your cells, ia meretardkan the fat burning process and slows down your metabolism...(penat jer buat exercise tapi weight tak turun turun - personal experience...)
If you are careful about your garam intake., u will be amazed at how fast your weight turun...baju/seluar macam tiba tiba longgar ..I think this MAY be one of the reasons The Biggest Loser contestants turun dengan banyaknya week after week..apart from the vigorous exercise and dieting...kot lah...
Kita tak perlu lah nak over sangat pasai garam nih...cuma apa yang perlu kita lakukan ialah just be conscious of it tang mana yang boleh....kalau masak tu kita main cubit cubit jer...sekadar buat rasa..kalau tak nanti tawar..tak lalu pula...
Sesetengah sayuran will also help sebab ia mengandungi potassium, which can help prevent fluid retention and metabolic slowdown. Eg. Bayam, lettuce, asparagus, timun, arugula..
Source : Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels
Nota tumit kaki: Thanks alot kak for the info, so now i know why susah nau my berat nie nk turun..maintain jek kat situ..sampai la aku giveup nk berworkout.. so pas ni harus lah aku pulun workout kakak jillian tuh.. Hope di beri kekuatan untuk melakukan nya..
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